The Single Most Important Item in Your First Aid Kit.

First aid kits are for sale everywhere. Because you are an urban disaster first aid conscious individual, you probably see advertisements for first aid kits (AKA “Trauma Kits”) on social media and in the side columns of the websites you visit.

As you read articles you find that people have many different opinions about the first aid kits you should carry with you. There are first aid kits you should have at home, another type you should carry in your car and another kind of kit you should have in your Every Day Carry.  Even the United States government, OSHA,  defines specific types of first aid kits that are required in the workplace. There is one thing that you must carry with you every day, everywhere you go with your first aid kit.  What is that one thing?

Trauma pads? A tourniquet? An occlusive chest seal? Hemostatic dressing?

  • Have you been trained on how to properly apply a tourniquet?
  • Have you practiced first aid on a patient in a high-fidelity scenario?  
  • Can you discern the signs and symptoms of shock on a patient and what type of shock the patient is experiencing (cardiogenic, hypovolemic, neurogenic)?

What is the single most important item in your kit?

The single most important item in your first aid kit is the person who has been trained to use it. You must be that person.

If you are serious about being ready to save a life when seconds count, you must get first aid training.  


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