The Wilderness First Aid Certification Course is an intense 16 – 20-hour*, 2-day training class that many students describe as “drinking from a firehose and attempting not to drown.” So much information is dropped on the student that there is no way to memorize everything required to properly care for a patient during the two days of training.
For those of you who are WFA certified, you will find the training videos below to be a great way to refresh your skills during your 24-month certification.
For those of you preparing to attend a WFA certification course, the videos will help you prepare.
An entire set of resources to include videos, handouts and checklist can be found on our Resources page.
I encourage you to check out my book that distills hundreds of pages of Wilderness First Aid textbook information into a few pages of easy-to-follow patient care flow diagrams that will greatly decrease your notetaking in class and increase your knowledge retention during your 24-month certification.
*Most WFA Certification classes are 16 hours long. There are a few that go as long as 20 hours.
- Wilderness First Aid Made Simple
- Primary Assessment
- Secondary Assessment
- Extremity Splinting Skills
- Spine Clearing Skills