Arm Splinting Made Easy

Here is a step-by-step checklist for constructing and checking the quality of an arm splint. You can download a PDF of the checklist, “Arm Splinting Made Easy” here. The YouTube video that describes the arm splinting construction process in detail is available below.

Arm Splinting Construction and Quality Checklist. Copyright 2016 - 2020 UDTWFA, LLC and Jeffrey S. Imel, NREMT
Excerpt from First Aid Emergency Care Flow Diagrams: Wilderness First Aid Edition
Arm Splinting Construction and Quality Checklist. Copyright 2016 - 2020 UDTWFA, LLC and Jeffrey S. Imel, NREMT
Excerpt from First Aid Emergency Care Flow Diagrams: Wilderness First Aid Edition
Arm Splinting Construction and Quality Checklist. Copyright 2016 - 2020 UDTWFA, LLC and Jeffrey S. Imel, NREMT
Excerpt from First Aid Emergency Care Flow Diagrams: Wilderness First Aid Edition

Free Training Videos

The Wilderness First Aid Certification Course is an intense 16 – 20-hour*, 2-day training class that many students describe as “drinking from a firehose and attempting not to drown.” So much information is dropped on the student that there is no way to memorize everything required to properly care for a patient during the two days of training.

For those of you who are WFA certified, you will find the training videos below to be a great way to refresh your skills during your 24-month certification.

For those of you preparing to attend a WFA certification course, the videos will help you prepare.

An entire set of resources to include videos, handouts and checklist can be found on our Resources page.

I encourage you to check out my book that distills hundreds of pages of Wilderness First Aid textbook information into a few pages of easy-to-follow patient care flow diagrams that will greatly decrease your notetaking in class and increase your knowledge retention during your 24-month certification.

*Most WFA Certification classes are 16 hours long. There are a few that go as long as 20 hours.

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